What avenues are they pursuing?

Weekly Essay – These should answer the inquiry by incorporating the week’s work in your own words. No quotes. No paraphrasing. All in your own words and turned in to the proper assignment slot in CANVAS. Use a basic 5 paragraph essay style, support your points with data and critical thinking.  No late submissions. No makeups. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE .doc, .docx, OR .pdf  OR it is a zero (0), no extensions/no resubmissions for wrong file format. These assignments will be work 50 points a piece. This category of assignments is worth 350 points, excess scores will drop starting with the lowest.

This week’s topic:

What is SCIDS? How does it impact the patient? Is there a current treatment? What avenues are they pursuing?

Explain… Why or why not?

 apa format paper & cover page on hate crimes 1.5 page paper discusses your view about hate crime by explaing the follwing. Describe a Hate crime,Explain why it is a hate crime. should Hate crimes be punished more severely than if it was not a Hate crime? Explain… Why or why not? also references also no plagiarism work!

What is the name of the molecule that supplies us the energy for all cellular activity?

Hello class, 

Please answer the discussion questions and respond to any two of your classmates.

Question 1: Which cellular organelle is responsible for producing energy from the food we eat? What is the name of the molecule that supplies us the energy for all cellular activity?

 Question 2: What is Cellular Respiration? What are four main stages of this metabolic process?

 Question 3: Mention any two enzymes involved in breaking down food to produce energy. Mention the reaction they catalyze

Question 4: How can chemicals like poisons affect the activity of enzymes?

describe the scientific concepts relating to energy;

ast week we introduced cells as the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms. But in order to function, a cell needs energy.

Many living organisms—including humans—ingest food as a means to create energy. The organism’s digestive system breaks down the food’s biological macromolecules such as carbohydrates into sugars. When those sugar molecules are broken down, energy is produced. We measure this energy in units of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is used by cells as a source of energy.

Other organisms, such as plants, can produce energy without ingesting food. Plants produce energy from light through a process known as photosynthesis. As a human, your food comes from either plants or animals that eat plants. This means that the energy in your body depends, on some level, on plant photosynthesis. Without plant photosynthesis, we wouldn’t be able to get the energy we need from our food.

This week, we will look at ways cells create energy, the ways they acquire what they need to create energy, and how they transfer energy throughout an organism’s body.

The living cells of every organism constantly use energy. Cells import molecules, metabolize or otherwise modify them, then transport them around the cell, potentially even distributing products back out of the cell to the entire organism.

Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in a living organism. A key feature of metabolism is that chemical reactions often make the materials needed for other chemical reactions. Metabolism both builds bigger molecules from smaller ones and dismantles molecules to release atoms and energy.

Photosynthesis is one of the most important sets of chemical reactions in all of nature for more than just the energy it produces. In addition to being the pathway through which energy and carbon (in the form of glucose) enter the web of life, it also releases oxygen into the environment. Life as we know it would not exist without photosynthesis. This is quite an important role in nature!

You will participate in a class discussion related to topics in biology.

You will also complete a laboratory experiment on parts of the cell, including cell membranes.

And you will demonstrate your knowledge of course concepts with a quiz.

Next week we will study the life cycle of single cells and cell reproduction. Combined, these processes allow for existing cells to make new cells. The ability of living organisms to produce new cells is important for three of the major characteristics of life: growth, healing, and reproduction.       

Week 3 Outcomes

By the end of this week, you should be able to

  • describe the scientific concepts relating to energy;
  • explain the relationship between enzymes and energy in the context of metabolism;
  • describe the role of metabolic pathways in living organisms;
  • explain the processes and outcomes of cellular respiration and fermentation;
  • explain the process of photosynthesis including the light dependent and light independent (Calvin cycle) reactions;
  • compare/contrast cellular organelles;

What question was the research study trying to answer?

)List the Name of the article, Authors, Date, and publisher.

2)Describe (in your own words) in 2-3 sentences what the research article is about. Be concise.

3)Where was the study conducted and who was the target population?

4)What was the main purpose of this research study? What question was the research study trying to answer? 

5)How was the model/theory used? Be specific: What concepts/constructs from the model were used and how were they used?

6)What methods were used? 

7)What were the pros/strengths and cons/weaknesses/limitations of the study?

8)What were the results of the study? Were they important?

9)What conclusions were made? How could the results of this study be helpful to health educators?

10)Does the article make sense? Do you have confidence in the findings? Why or why not?

Many individuals with metabolic diseases are normal at birth but show symptoms shortly thereafter. Why?

An end to heart disease? Not quite. A new class of cholesterol lowering drugs called PCSK9 inhibitors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is really good at lowering LDL levels, but evidence of how well it reduces the mortality of heart disease is not so clear. From this New York Times article, discuss the problems treating a complex disease like heart disease. Find information about familial hypercholesterolemia and what different treatment options would be available, considering that seven different genes are known to contribute to this disease (OMIM 143890 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).  In your post, explain or summarize why the new drug Repatha is so powerful in reducing LDL cholesterol, and then pick one of the genes from OMIM (see the Phenotype-Gene Relationship table) and discuss one cause of hypercholesterolemia and possible treatment option, based on the gene you picked.

Bio Peer Response: 4/5/19 100 min

A new LDL drug was endorsed and the researchers had very high expectations and were rooting for the end of heart disease. With a following study of this new drug conducted to patients, it had simliar benefits like a statin. For patients who don’t mind or do mind the high price of this drug, it has been suggested to wait for long-term results when more and more people start to use it. The problems of this disease is that they “are not related to statins at all…[you’ll need a] doctor to determine what’s really causing [the] symptoms. And some people tolerate one statin better then another.” (Krumholz, H., 2017) This drug is so powerful in treating heart disease because typically dozes of this medication is 90 mg/dl (this is considered low) and using Repatha is 30 mg/dl. 

“Familial hypercholesterolemia is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by elevation of serum cholesterol bound to low density lipoprotein (LDL), which promotes deeposition of cholesteral in the skin, tendons, and coronary arteries (Hobbs et al.. 1992, OMIM)” This can happen in both homozygous and heterzygous. Houlston, R. et al. 1988, all discovered that that patients coronary artery disease have a high level of LDL concentration in contrast of those who don’t have coronary artery disease. This suggests “that [LDL] measurements may help predict the risk of coronary heart disease in individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia.” Treatment for this is chaning lifestyle like exercising and consuming a “healthy low-fat diet”.


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/20/health/ldl-cholesterol-heart-disease-drugs-pcsk9-inhibitors.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fscience&action=click&contentCollection=science&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=4&pgtype=sectionfront (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

https://www.omim.org/entry/143890 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/familial-hypercholesterolemia/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20353757 (Links to an external site.)

Bio Questions: 4/4/19
1. Many individuals with metabolic diseases are normal at birth but show symptoms shortly thereafter. Why?

2. List the ways in which a metabolic block can have phenotypic effects.

3. If phenylalanine was not an essential amino acid, would diet therapy (the elimination of phenylalanine from the diet) for PKU work? Do not just say yes or no. Give a short explanation.

4. Describe the quaternary structure of the blood protein hemoglobin.

5. Transcriptional regulators are proteins that bind to promoters (the 5’ flanking regions of genes) to regulate their transcription. Assume that a particular transcription regulator normally promotes transcription of gene X, a transport protein. If a mutation makes this regulator gene nonfunctional, would the resulting phenotype be similar to a mutation in the gene X itself? Why or why not?

Explain and apply Occam’s razor and demonstrate the ability to make logical

  • Clarify/Quality of the core concepts using notes  to help 
  • Use 2 images  on top of the actual length of the essay with captions for the pictures
  • The length of the essay must be 1.5-2 pages long  
  • Include references 
  • Include a few concepts doesn’t have to be all go off the  notes  and  websites to explain a  few concepts

Core Concepts

Take notes on the Core Concepts as you work through the Modules. Good notes on the Core

Concepts will help with both the Module Quizzes and the Portfolio Activities. 

There are 4 main Themes in this class, divided into 14 Core Concepts.

Theme: Scientific Literacy

1.   Identify, evaluate, and minimize the impact of the biases in the information

you receive.

2.   Explain and apply Occam’s razor and demonstrate the ability to make logical

connections between pieces of information.

3.   Differentiate between of science, and parascience, pseudoscience, or

science fiction.

Theme: Understand the definition and processes of science

4.   Explain and apply the scientific method.

5.   Define and recognize examples of hypotheses, theories, natural laws, and

mathematical laws.

6.   Explain the role of statistics and statistical significance in science.

7.   Differentiate between scientific facts, scientific evidence, and scientific


Theme: Understand and discuss natural processes

8.   Recognize and describe examples of the relationship between structure and


9.   Discuss the relationships between diversity, redundancy, and stability in


10. Describe the Conservation Laws and the relationship between matter and

energy. Explain how this applies to homeostasis and metabolism or ecosystem

level cycles.

Theme: Understand and the definition of life and discuss life processes

11.  Explain the relationship between chromosome, DNA, gene, and allele.

12. Explain genetic inheritance in terms of cell theory, semi-conservative

replication, and the central dogma.

13. Apply the terms adaptation, natural selection, and survival of the fittest

together and in the correct context.


Explain microevolution and macroevolution, and how this relates to the

classification of organisms.


Senses and Perception 

  • Drugs affect perception
  • Chemoreception
  • Ears provide equilibrium/ balance 
  • Ears: 
    • Hearing 
    • equilibrium/balance
    • Static position 

explain why you would be part of this social movement

Read this piece on social movements, my lecture, and short video 

To quote sociologist, Lynda Ann Ewen, “Social movements are as American as apple pie.”

A “social movement” is a movement where the goal is to promote or prevent social change from occurring. To be considered a social movement, certain criteria needs to be met. (1) A large number of people need to be involved. (2) These people need to have a common goal in mind. (3) The people need a leader or leaders and they must be organized. (4) The group needs to sustain itself over a long period of time (and interaction does not necessarily need to be face to face.) 

In sociology, we categorize social movements since they have unique characteristics that set them apart. It’s difficult, of course, to compare the civil rights movement to the pro life movement! The primary types of social movements are the reformative movement (gay rights advocates), the redemptive movement (Jehovah’s witnesses, born again Christians), the alternative movement (Alcoholics Anonymous, transcendental meditation), the resistance movements (anti-abortion groups, white supremacists) and the revolutionary movement (right wing militia groups). 

There are many social movements that have occurred in our society to start or prevent change. Some movements are the Women’s movement, Gay Rights, Pro-life, Pro-choice movement, Occupy, Black Lives Matter and the environmental movement (which has 50 subgroups!)

I bet many of you have participated in a movement directly or indirectly in your life.

1) Please explain a social movement you belonged to surrounding race, gender, or social clas and how you were part of the movement. Why did you join it and how has it impacted our society?


2) If you have not been part of a movement when it comes to gender, race, and social class  I would like to you to choose a social movement that you WOULD join and explain why you would be part of this social movement (and how it impacts our society.)

Remember, as I always say, choose something that you feel tied to or feel passionate about!

who are they, and why might it be a biased report?

Use a Google search to locate a website, page, blog, or publication that discusses genetically modified foods.

Read the information posted carefully in light of the module readings, especially the scientific journals and federal government publications. Make sure to save the link to this location to include in your essay. Check to be sure your link works!

Next, submit the following:

You will be writing a 500 to 750 word essay (2-3 pages of text, not including title page and references) that addresses each of the following questions about the site you have located. You will be applying the probing questions you used in the Science Tool Kit assignments to formulate this essay.

Include the link to your source, and briefly (1 paragraph) explain the key informational points you found on this web page.

Locate the people, organization, or group that is responsible for the website, blog, etc. This is usually found under the “About Us” heading. Investigate this organization and any sponsors: Who are they? What is their goal or agenda for producing the web page, blog, etc.?

Do the listed sponsors have any affiliations that make you think there is a biased approach to the information being shared? If so, who are they, and why might it be a biased report?

What scientists, researchers, or government agencies are identified as being the sources of the information you have read?

Do you think the writers of the web page, blog, or site “cherry-picked” data and facts for this post, resulting in a biased product? Give concrete examples showing how and where this was done.

Do you think the site you located has any truly incorrect, false, or misleading information? Give examples, and show the data from our reliable sources in contrast to the website/blog information.

Do you find this website, page, blog, or publication to be a reliable source of information on this topic? Summarize why or why not from your previous responses.

What tips and techniques would you suggest to someone who wants to search the Web for more information about GMO/GEO foods so they can locate reliable information from trustworthy sources

explain which marketing methods will appeal to whom.

Report Issue

As profit-pinched health care organizations look for cost-effective means to draw in business, they are marketing where the patients are — online and on mobile devices. Review the following article:

Pierret, J. (2017). Healthcare marketing: 3 ways digital and traditional marketing work together. Retrieved from https://blog.reachlocal.com/author/jason-pierret

Discuss the various platforms of digital marketing and how they can be use in health care marketing. Discuss both the positive and negative sides of digital marketing. Traditional and digital marketing will appeal to different subgroups of people; explain which marketing methods will appeal to whom.