Explain how Dada might be reflective of the change in society as a result of science opposed to psychology.

Report Issue

Philosophy and Arts Worksheet

Take no more than three sentences to answer the following questions (15 pts):

·         What is the primary Freudian influence in reading Figure 33.2?

·         Describe the difference between expressionism and abstract expressionism.

·         Explain how Dada might be reflective of the change in society as a result of science opposed to psychology.

·         What is one primary similarity and one primary difference between the dance of Martha Graham and Merce Cunningham?

·         Review Figure 33.2. Provide three attributes of the painting that reflect the expressionist movement.

Essay question – answer the following question in no more than 525 words (5 pts). Use proper APA citations.

·         What are the similarities and differences of readings 33.2 and 33.3? Cite specific examples from each to support your answer.

Discuss how working with a Human Service Professional (HSP) in a reciprocal relationship may help Gary change his behavior and decision-making to address his current life challenges.

Report Issue

Need this done by 27 March 2016 2300EST in APA format. Ensure that you read the direction to their entirety.

For this assignment you will be reading a case scenario in your text and responding to some questions related to the impact of the environment on behavior and choices, the impact of the client-human services professional relationship, and how identifying potential ethical issues and the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) Ethical Standards can help guide you in working with clients.

Teen pregnancy affects millions of adolescent clients and their families every year. As a human service professional working with adolescents and families you will build reciprocal relationships that make a lasting impact on both the client and yourself. Understanding how the environment is impacting the client and their family helps build the trust required to better understand what interventions and resources may be available to empower the client and their family. In the field of human services you will be interacting with individuals with a variety of needs within many systems, especially when working with families. Due to the span of diversity among individuals it is important for you to become familiar with the ethical standards as set forth for human service professionals. The following Assignment will require you to find and discuss the importance of the ethical standards as developed by the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS). A code of ethics is “an explicit statement of the values, principles, and rules of a profession, regulating the conduct of its members” (Barker, 2001, p. 84). Understanding how to consider ethical issues and how we may resolve them using ethical standards is critical to successful and ethical client outcomes and ensuring both the human service professional and the client are protected from potential conflicts.

Go to page 290 in your text and read the case study in Spotlight 6.2 titled Portrait of a Single Father. Next go to www.nationalhumanservices.org website and review the NOHS Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals.

After reading the case study and NOHS Ethical Standards, reflect on the situation Gary finds himself in, his environment, and possible ethical considerations in the case and that the worker may need to consider as part of an ethical approach to the client and his family. Answer the following:

  1. Discuss how Gary’s environment has influenced his behavior and decision-making during his adolescence.
  2. Discuss how working with a Human Service Professional (HSP) in a reciprocal relationship may help Gary change his behavior and decision-making to address his current life challenges.
  3. Considering the case study details and the NOHS Ethical Standards, identify one ethical concern you would have when working with Gary and/or his family. Provide one NOHS Ethical Standard that you believe would be important to apply in this case to ensure this ethical issue is addressed within the client and HSP relationship. Refer to the specific NOHS Ethical Standard in your response.
  4. Discuss one specific way using ethical standards impacts the behavior of a HSP when working with clients such as Gary.
  5. Provide the name and contact information for one human service agency you believe a HSP could refer Gary to in order to provide assistance with his current issues. Explain how you believe this agency could specifically assist Gary.
  6. Considering your responses to the assignment questions, explain how Gary’s case outcome might change from the ending offered in the case study epilogue. Discuss how familiarity with ethical standards and available resources strengthened the relationship between the Human Service Professional and Gary in your response.

The paper should be 6 complete paragraphs, resulting in approximately 2 pages of text in addition to the cover page and the final reference page. It also should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. The Assignment should be double-spaced, using a 12 point Times New Roman font.

The Assignment should include a cover page and a final reference page where you cite your course text and any other sources you choose to include in the paper. The only required sources are your text and NOHS Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals.

You can explore the Kaplan Library or credible Internet sites for additional sources, but the text and NOHS Ethical Standards are your primary sources of support. Your opinions also are valued, but it is important to keep in mind that your main objective in completing this project is to illustrate your knowledge of the course material.

Citing Sources:

It is important to always attribute credit to the proper sources when relying on the text, articles, websites, or other sources. You must credit your work when you:

  • Summarize concepts and theories that you learned in the text, articles, or internet sources.
  • Use others’ ideas, theories, and concepts in constructing Discussion topic responses or completing Assignments.
  • Use direct quotes in the context of your paper (when quoting directly, you must use quotation marks).

On which issue are the stage theories of Erikson and Piaget in agreement?

Report Issue

On which issue are the stage theories of Erikson and Piaget in agreement?

  A.whether all people reach the highest stages. 

  B.whether the stages represent hierarchic integrations. 

  C.whether biological maturation is a powerful force. 

  D.whether the stages are qualitatively different

Erikson’s stages, compared to Piaget’s stages, are:

  A.more universal. 

  B.more difficult to attain. 

  C.more maturationally governed. 

  D.all of the above.

In therapy with severely disturbed children, one of Mahler’s most common goals was:

  A.to promote a more pleasurable symbiosis. 

  B.to increase the infant’s independence. 

  C.to overcome internal object constancy. 

  D.to teach the child essential social skills.

According to the text, the most significant criticism of Mahler’s theory has to do with:

  A.the phase of normal autism. 

  B.the phase of normal symbiosis. 

  C.the neglect of fathers’ role in development. 

  D.the absence of statistic data.

Mahler’s concept of object constancy:

  A.has little to do with Piaget’s concept. 

  B.means overcoming the world of make-believe. 

  C.is a prerequisite to basic trust. 

  D.is an internal image of the mother.

The text criticizes Bettelheim for:

  A.lack of clarity on the concept of autonomy. 

  B.encouraging too much unsocial behavior. 

  C.not providing statistical reports beyond his impressions. 

  D.failing to recognize the importance of behavioral approaches

According to the text, research suggests childhood amnesia:

  A.really exists. 

  B.isn’t well-documented. 

  C.is valid prior to the age of 2 years. 

  D.is still just a tentative hypothesis.

Compared to most developmental psychologists, Schachtel was:





Jung believed that depression in mid-life is basically:

  A.a natural part of development. 

  B.due to social failure. 


  D.the work of the animus principle.

According to Jung, what is <u>not</u> true of archetypes?

  A.they are basically unknowable. 

  B.they are universal tendencies in all of us. 

  C.they include the Self. 

  D.they reside in the personal unconscious.

In Jung’s view,

  A.development in the first half of life is naturally one-sided. 

  B.adults should get beyond the Self. 

  C.people should remain youthful as they grow older. 

  D.images of the afterlife interfere with individuation.

Children’s early negatives suggest that:

  A.child language is different from adult language. 

  B.language acquisition matures at an incredible speed. 

  C.the principle of structure dependence is indeed valid. 

  D.all of the above.

One of Chomsky’s basic disagreements with Piaget concerns the extent to which language:

  A.involves symbols. 

  B.is spontaneously created by the child. 

  C.is a specialized activity. 

  D.possesses universal properties.

Which research has most seriously challenged Chomsky?

  A.parents’ simplified speech to young children. 

  B.parental feedback to children’s errors. 

  C.studies of pidgins and creoles. 

  D.research on operant conditioning.

Chomsky’s position differs from that of:

  A.Piaget on the extent of genetic control. 

  B.Bandura on the influence of models. 

  C.Werner on the specialized nature of language. 

  D.All of the above

Who among the following sees <u>no</u> value in regression to childlike thinking?




  D.some psychoanalysts.

Maslow’s phenomenological bent places him closest to:





The text says that individual differences in children’s abilities:

  A.has been a focus of the developmentalist tradition. 

  B.has not been a focus of the developmentalist tradition. 

  C.is found in the work of Maslow and many of his followers. 

  D.characterizes many but not all in the developmentalist tradition

In the Epilogue, the author’s discussion of difficult instruction:

  A.draws on the ideas of Werner. 

  B.draws on the ideas of Rousseau. 

  C.suggests how we can raise the bar. 

  D.suggests more time is needed in outdoor nature.

In the Epilogue, the author’s main objection to standardized testing centers on:

  A.lack of preparation time. 

  B.the effects on love of learning. 

  C.well-documented test biases. 

  D.time away from nature studies.

Must we go through all the stages in Erikson’s theory? In Piaget’s theory? Explain

How is the therapeutic approach of Bettelheim to autistic children similar to the child-rearing philosophy of Gesell?

If Rousseau were alive, how highly would he regard Schachtel’s work? Explain.

a) Contrast the positions of Bandura and Chomsky on how children develop language. b) How does either evidence on “motherese” OR on creoles bear on this debate?

Briefly describe a basic similarity between the views of Maslow and 3 of the following theorists:

 a. Rousseau

 b. Gesell

 c. Piaget

 d. Schachtel

 e. Jung

 f. Werner

Today’s standards movement implores all of us to do a better job of preparing children for the future. What does Crain, the textbook author, say about this goal?

In Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, the establishment of a sense of self and a role in society is dependent upon successfully resolving which of the following challenges?

Report Issue

1. Dr. Johan tends to believe in the _____ model of development, which says that changes
occur at a relatively uniform pace. Dr. Ziback tends to believe in the _____ model,
which says that there are periods of rapid and abrupt change – which are separated by
periods of very little change.
A) nurturing; natural
B) uniform; stop-start
C) continuity; stage
D) none of these options

2. _____ studies are the most time efficient method, whereas _____ studies provide the
most in-depth information per participant.
A) Correlational; experimental
B) Fast-track; follow-up
C) Cross-sectional; longitudinal
D) Cohort-sequential; cohort-intensive

3. The use of _____ during pregnancy is most associated with premature birth, low
birth-weight infants, and fetal death.
A) nicotine
B) caffeine
C) aspirin
D) all of these options

4. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding brain development?
A) The weight of an infant’s brain is 1/2 that of an adult’s and reaches full adult weight
by age 16.
B) The number of neurons in the infant brain at birth is about one-eighth the number
in the adult brain.
C) Axon and dendrite connections increase
D) Myelination peaks at age 12.

5. Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding menopause?
A) It is the cessation of menstruation.
B) It occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.
C) It is the result of decreases in estrogen production.
D) It is strongly associated with severe mood swings, depression, and loss of sexual

6. Assimilation occurs when new information is _____.
A) adjusted
B) modified
C) absorbed into existing schemas
D) all of these options

7. When a typist changes from a conventional typewriter to a word processor, his typing
schema will have to _____ in order to incorporate the new techniques needed for the
new equipment.
A) assimilate
B) differentiate
C) accommodate
D) recapitulate

8. Tesia said, “The rain quit falling because I wanted to go out to play.” This is an example
of _____, which indicates that Tesia is in the _____ of cognitive development.
A) animism; sensorimotor stage
B) subjective permanence; preoperational
C) egocentrism; preoperational stage
D) conservation; concrete operational stage

9. Infants raised in impersonal or abusive surroundings suffer from a number of problems.
These include:
A) they seldom cry, coo, or babble
B) they become rigid when picked up
C) they have few language skills
D) all of these

10. According to Baumrind, the _____ parenting style is most likely to produce self-reliant
and high achieving children.
A) permissive
B) autonomous
C) authoritative
D) authoritarian

11. Five-year-old Tyler believes “bad things are what you get punished for.” Tyler is at
Kohlberg’s _____ level of morality.
A) concrete
B) preconventional
C) postconventional
D) punishment oriented

12. Officers in World War II, the Vietnam War, and the war in Bosnia have explained some
of their behavior with the reasoning: “I was just following orders.” This is an example of
which stage of moral development:
A) punishment-obedience
B) social-contract
C) military-contract
D) law and order

13. Serena is one-month old and is not living up to her name. She is easily frustrated, tense,
and reacts more than most infants when her schedule is upset. Thomas and Chess would
categorize her as _____.
A) an obnoxious child
B) a difficult baby
C) an irritable child
D) a baby with colic

14. Chelsea is a toddler who has authoritarian parents. Her parents do not allow her to make
any decisions on her own. As a result, Chelsea may have difficulty resolving the _____
developmental stage.
A) autonomy versus shame and doubt
B) trust versus mistrust
C) initiative versus guilt
D) industry versus inferiority

15. In Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, the establishment of a sense of self
and a role in society is dependent upon successfully resolving which of the following
A) generativity vs. stagnation
B) ego integrity vs. despair
C) identity vs. role confusion
D) intimacy vs. isolation

16. Forty-year-old Carl is very proud that he has the fastest car on the road and the finest
house on the block, but feels lonely and isolated when he goes home to his family. Carl
is likely to be in Erikson’s _____ stage of development.
A) ego integrity vs. despair
B) generativity vs. stagnation
C) intimacy vs. isolation
D) identity vs. role confusion

17. Critical factors in adjustment of children after parental divorce include, but are not
limited to, _____.
A) resources and support systems available
B) involvement with noncustodial parent
C) individual child attributes
D) all of the above

Describe the three main components of emotional intelligence, and (b) give an example of how each component is essential for successful interactions with others

Report Issue

devry psy110 final exam

1. (TCO 1) The idea that depression is influenced by genetics, and neurotransmitters, learned responses and thinking patterns, and socioeconomic status and culture represents the _____ model of psychology. (Points : 5)       [removed]psychiatric




Question 2. 2. (TCO 2) In a case study, a researcher is most likely to _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]interview many research subjects who have a single problem or disorder

      [removed]conduct an in-depth study of a single research participant

      [removed]choose and investigate a single topic

      [removed]All of the above

Question 3. 3. (TCO 3) This neurotransmitter’s major role is to inhibit neural transmissions in the central nervous system. (Points : 5)       [removed]Acetylcholine




Question 4. 4. (TCO 3) What is a small structure that maintains homeostasis and regulates emotions and drives such as hunger, thirst, sex, and aggression? (Points : 5)       [removed]Hypothalamus


      [removed]Pituitary gland


Question 5. 5. (TCO 4) When we organize patterns in order to perceive an entire stimulus, rather than just its parts, we are using _____ principle of perception. (Points : 5)       [removed]the wholistic


      [removed]the Gestalt

      [removed]the closure

Question 6. 6. (TCO 4) In the Ames room, people appear to grow larger or smaller as they walk from one side of the room to the other because (Points : 5)       [removed]retinal disparity occurs.

      [removed]accommodation cannot be determined without movement by the people.

      [removed]people’s expectations of the room being square in shape are violated.

      [removed]there is a lack of reference cues to judge the height of people.

Question 7. 7. (TCO 5) Biological rhythms that occur on a daily basis are called _____ rhythms. (Points : 5)       [removed]circuitous




Question 8. 8. (TCO 5) REM sleep is also called _____ because the brain is aroused and active while the person remains nonresponsive and asleep. (Points : 5)       [removed]pseudo-sleep

      [removed]paradoxical sleep

      [removed]hypnogogic sleep

      [removed]transitional sleep

Question 9. 9. (TCO 5) Psychoactive drugs can _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]alter the production of neurotransmitters

      [removed]can alter the transmissions between neuropeptides

      [removed]prevent or mimic the reception of neurotransmitters on the next neuron

      [removed]A and C

Question 10. 10. (TCO 6) In Selye’s general adaptation syndrome theory of stress, the initial response of the autonomic nervous system to a stressor occurs in the _____ phase. (Points : 5)       [removed]resistance

      [removed]primary response

      [removed]global responsiveness

      [removed]alarm reaction

Question 11. 11. (TCO 6) Hardiness is _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]based on genetics



      [removed]positively correlated with cancer and heart disease

Question 12. 12. (TCO 6) People with cynical hostility have more interpersonal conflicts that can lead to _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]an increase in autonomic activation

      [removed]a decrease in autonomic activation

      [removed]an increase risk of cardiovascular disease

      [removed]A and C

Question 13. 13. (TCO 7) A previously neutral stimulus that, through repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus, produces a conditioned response is now called a(n) _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]conditioned stimulus

      [removed]primary reinforcer

      [removed]secondary reinforcer

      [removed]classical stimulus

Question 14. 14. (TCO 7) The addition of a(n) _____ stimulus results in positive reinforcement; whereas the subtraction of a(n) _____ stimulus results in negative reinforcement. (Points : 5)       [removed]desirable; painful or annoying

      [removed]primary; secondary

      [removed]operant; classical

      [removed]higher order; lower order

Question 15. 15. (TCO 8) Your textbook suggests that you should develop _____ in order to better learn the material in this course. (Points : 5)       [removed]hierarchies

      [removed]artificial concepts

      [removed]natural concepts


MC 2 of 2

Question 1. 1. (TCO 8) Which of the following did Robert Sternberg emphasize in his triarchic theory of intelligence? (Points : 5)       [removed]Process rather than product

      [removed]Application of mental abilities to real-life situations

      [removed]Kinesthetic abilities

      [removed]Both A and B

 Question 2. 2. (TCO 9) Low levels of arousal lead to _____ and high levels of arousal lead to _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]reduced behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency

      [removed]increased behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency

      [removed]increased behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency

      [removed]reduced behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency

 Question 3. 3. (TCO 9) Which of the following is not true of a person who is high in nAch? (Points : 5)       [removed]They are not concerned with feedback about their performance.

      [removed]They like moderately difficult tasks.

      [removed]They take responsibility for their actions.

      [removed]They do better in their professions.

 Question 4. 4. (TCO 10) Which one of these factors does not endanger the prenatal infant? (Points : 5)       [removed]Malnutrition

      [removed]Paternal factors

      [removed]Stress Factors

      [removed]Maternal Factors

 Question 5. 5. (TCO 10) _____ occurs when existing schemas are used to interpret new information, whereas _____ involves changes and adaptations to existing schemas to make sense of new information. (Points : 5)       [removed]Adaptation; accommodation

      [removed]Adaptation; reversibility

      [removed]Egocentrism; postschematization

      [removed]Assimilation; accommodation

 Question 6. 6. (TCO 10) What conclusions can be drawn from infant-attachment and adult relationship studies? (Points : 5)       [removed]Poor attachment in infancy causes poor adult relationships.

      [removed]Early attachment is likely to predict adult relationship styles.

      [removed]Infant attachment determines adult relationship patterns.

      [removed]Attachment is unlikely to predict adult relationship styles.

 Question 7. 7. (TCO 10) In Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, the establishment of a personal identity is dependent upon resolving which of the following prior challenges? (Points : 5)       [removed]Generativity versus stagnation

      [removed]Ego integrity versus despair

      [removed]Autonomy versus shame and doubt

      [removed]Intimacy versus isolation

 Question 8. 8. (TCO 11) The part of the psyche that Freud thought was the reservoir of mental energy is the _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]unconscious




 Question 9. 9. (TCO 11) Rogers thought that _____ is necessary for a child’s uniqueness and positive self-concept to unfold naturally. (Points : 5)       [removed]permissive parenting

      [removed]a challenging environment

      [removed]unconditional positive regard

      [removed]a friendly neighborhood

 Question 10. 10. (TCO 12) Lola has not been able to control her worries for the last 6 months, and complains of insomnia and headaches. It is likely that Lola has _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]panic attacks

      [removed]generalized anxiety disorder

      [removed]obsessive-compulsive disorder


 Question 11. 11. (TCO 12) Brenda has been up for days, and forgot to pay the rent but is handing out money to the homeless in frigid temperatures. When a police officer tries to talk to her about why she is wearing only a thin t-shirt and pajamas in the cold, she rapidly answers, but her thoughts are flying from one idea to another. The police officer would be correct in suspecting that Brenda has _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]drug-induced multiple personalities

      [removed]a personality disorder

      [removed]a bipolar disorder

      [removed]hypothermic shock

 Question 12. 12. (TCO 12) Ellis’ therapy emphasizes _____ irrational beliefs, which cause changes in maladaptive emotions. (Points : 5)       [removed]identifying




 Question 13. 13. (TCO 12) A client just reports to his therapist that he has cheated on his wife. The therapist refrains from making any character judgments about his patient. This represents _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]active listening

      [removed]unconditional positive regard



 Question 14. 14. (TCO 13) The tendency to focus on the most noticeable factors when explaining the cause of behavior is called the _____ bias. (Points : 5)       [removed]obvious

      [removed]just noticeable difference



 Question 15. 15. (TCO 13) Cognitive dissonance theory predicts that after Lamar bought a Yugo instead of a Ford, he would _____. (Points : 5)       [removed]regret his decision

      [removed]complain about the Ford features he couldn’t get with his Yugo

      [removed]notice the problems with his Yugo that he ignored before

      [removed]focus on the positive features of his Yugo


Question 1. 1. (TCO 7) Describe each of the following five theories of forgetting, and include examples to illustrate each one: decay theory, interference theory, motivated forgetting, encoding failure, and retrieval failure theory. (6 points each) (Points : 30)

2. (TCO 9) (a) Describe the three main components of emotional intelligence, and (b) give an example of how each component is essential for successful interactions with others. (10 points each) (Points : 30)

3. (TCO 11) In your own words, (a) give an overview of humanistic psychology’s theory of personality (6 points). Also in your own words (b) describe and explain the humanistic terms self-concept, congruence, unconditional positive regard, and self-actualization. (6 points each)  (Points : 30)

4. (TCO 12) (a) Define group therapies (5 points), and (b) describe three advantages of this kind of therapy (5 points). (c) Differentiate between group therapy, self-help groups and family therapy, and provide examples of when the latter two therapies are most effective. (10 points for the differentiation and 10 points for the examples) (Points : 30)

Question 5. 5. (TCO 13) In your own words (a) define aggression (6 points), and (b) describe five biological factors (3 points each) and three psychosocial factors that may contribute to its expression. (3 points each) (Points : 30)

Describe how you developed your current attitudes toward authority, competitors, subordinates, the opposite sex, or another generation

Report Issue

 This assignment allows you to explore the effects of social influences on personal development.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the concept of the self. Address the following:

  • Identify who was in the radius of significant others that shaped your development through your toddler, child, and adolescent years.
  • Identify verbal messages you recall that suggested situational or dispositional attributions about you.
  • Describe how you developed your current attitudes toward authority, competitors, subordinates, the opposite sex, or another generation.
  • Explore the effects your social world has had on your developing professional identity.

What is the Flynn effect and how can it be used to support of refute the impact of genes and the environment on intelligence?

Report Issue

1.  In your own words, compare and contrast the differences among sensation, perception, and cognition.

2.  Select one method or procedure that is commonly used to study infant perception and cognition. Describe one study in which this method was used and explain the implication of the findings.

3.  In your own words, identify and briefly describe each of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

4.  Explain Vygotsky’s ideas on zone of proximal development, guided participation, and scaffolding, and how are they related.

5.  Define executive function. Describe the specific cognitive skills that are involved with executive function, as well as how its various components develop

6.  Discuss the process of human memory by differentiating between sensory register, working memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.

7.  What is the Flynn effect and how can it be used to support of refute the impact of genes and the environment on intelligence?

8.  Describe the three components of Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence. Then discuss the fourth element (a type of intelligence) that he added in recent years.

9.  Describe the linguistic concepts of phonemes, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, prosody, and word segmentation.

10.  How do neurobiologists, learning theorists, nature-oriented theorists, and interactionists explain the acquisition of language?

Could you apply this prevention program within your real life and community? If so, will you, and if not, why not?

Report Issue

Create a small prevention program that  could be implemented at a health fair, at a workplace, or in a school.  The goal of this assignment is to articulate the social, biological, and  psychological consequences of addictive behaviors to an at-risk  population and contextualize issues of addiction in historical and  social frameworks.

  For this presentation, you will present your complete prevention program.

   The presentation should include 7–10 slides (not counting title slide  and references slide) with speaker notes to address the following  topics:

  • Population that is at risk
  • Addiction and the effects that this addiction has on the individual, family, workplace, and community
  • A look at the history and social frameworks of this addiction and the at-risk population
  • Where is the best place to implement this program?
  • How will you measure success for this prevention program?
  • Could you apply this prevention program within your real life and community? If so, will you, and if not, why not?

Identify the overall results of the research, including any psychometric or statistical outcome.

Report Issue

Evaluation of Technical Quality


  • Evaluation of Technical Quality Scoring Guide.
  • List of Tests by Type [PDF].
  • PSY7610 Library Research Guide.
  • Database Guide: Mental Measurements Yearbook.
  • Using a Mental Measurements Yearbook Review to Evaluate a Test.
  • Optional Research Worksheet [DOCX].
  • How to Cite Mental Measurements Yearbooks and Test Reviews.
  • APA Style and Format.
  • APA Writing Feedback Rubric [PDF].
  • Learner Guide to APA Writing Feedback Rubric [PDF].

In Unit 2, you selected one standardized test that has relevancy to your academic and professional goals to be the focus of your course project. Your Unit 2 assignment focused on the first four elements of the Code for selecting a test. For this assignment, you will complete a deeper analysis of the technical quality of your selected test by focusing on the fifth element of the Code, which states that the test user will “evaluate evidence of the technical quality of the test provided by the test developer and any independent reviews.” To complete this assignment, you will draw upon the knowledge you gained in Units 3 and 4 about psychometrics in general and reliability and validity in particular.

For this assignment, you will use the test you selected for your project in Unit 2. Locate and summarize a minimum of seven articles related to the technical qualities of the selected test. You are encouraged to use the PSY7610 Library Research Guide, linked in the Resources, to assist your search.

For each article:

  • List the APA reference for each journal article (a minimum of seven).
  • Identify if the article addresses reliability or validity.
  • Discuss if the article addresses sources of error variance, reliability estimates, evidence of validity, or bias and fairness.
  • Identify the specific type of reliability or validity (for example, test-retest reliability, predictive validity, et cetera).
  • Identify the overall results of the research, including any psychometric or statistical outcome.

Submit your analysis as a paper using the outline provided in the section “Organize Your Paper” below.

Guidelines for Selecting the Literature

Use the most current sources you can find. Do not use sources older than 8 years. (You may cite older sources if they are classics, if you want to show the chronology of something, or if you have another good reason. If you choose to use older sources, you will need to explain why.). Use current, peer-reviewed journal articles. Do not use sources without an author or a publication date. Do not use quotes; use only your own words. Please see the Plagiarism in Coursework document in the resources for concerns with high content matching in papers. Evaluate whether or not the results supports the use of your test as appropriate for your field and populations to be served.

Note: The articles you need to complete this assignment should be available inside the library collection. In future courses, you may use the library’s Interlibrary Loan service to obtain articles outside of the collection, but you should not have to use the service for PSY7610. In the event that you cannot find articles covering a newer test edition, please refer to the List of Tests by Type, linked in the Resources. Note which tests have been designated as acceptable for searching prior test editions.

Organize Your Paper

For your paper, use the following headings:

  • Title page (required).
  • Abstract (optional).
  • Introduction.
    • Identify the standardized test you selected in Unit 2.
    • Describe briefly the publisher’s stated purpose for its use.
    • Identify briefly a population or psychological condition that is within the standardization of the test.
  • Technical review article summaries. Each article is to be directly related to your chosen test and one aspect of its technical quality. Note: Use an annotated bibliography for evaluative information format (see the resources for additional information available at Capella about annotated bibliographies).
    • List the APA reference for each journal article (a minimum of seven).
    • Identify if the article addresses reliability or validity.
    • Explain how the article addresses sources of error variance, reliability estimates, evidence of validity, or bias and fairness.
    • Identify the specific type of reliability or validity (for example, test-retest reliability, predictive validity, et cetera).
    • Identify the overall results of the research including any psychometric or statistical outcome.
  • Conclusion.
    • Synthesize the information from all the articles you reviewed about reliability.
    • Synthesize the information from all the articles you reviewed about validity.
    • Evaluate if your test continues to be deemed as appropriate for your planned use in the field and with the population to be served.

How did the practitioner-scholar model help clarify and strengthen your vision of your future in the field, and your professional goals?



  • Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.
  • Professional Communications and Writing Guide.
  • Graduate Psychology Discussion Rubric.
  • Learning Model Worksheet [DOC].
  •  Scholar Practitioner Model.

As stated in the introduction, connecting scholarship and practice is critical for professionals in psychology. In one of the unit studies, you examined both the scholar-practitioner model, as presented in McClintock’s 2004 article, and Capella’s learning model, which is based on the ideas in that article. In Capella’s learning model, the master’s level degree program is described as practitioner-scholar, to distinguish it from the doctoral degree program, which is described as scholar-practitioner.

This discussion will provide you with an opportunity to enhance and deepen your understanding of the scholar-practitioner model in general and the practitioner-scholar expectations at Capella in particular. At the same time, it will enable you to get valuable feedback from your peers on your vision statement and action plan. Your thinking and exchanges in this discussion will support your success in the assignment that you will submit in the next unit.

In your initial post:

  • Compare McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model and Capella’s scholar-practitioner learning model. You probably notice that only Capella uses the term practitioner-scholar. What aspects of McClintock’s model supports Capella’s learning model?
  • Describe the role of a practitioner-scholar within the field of psychology.
  • Discuss how the role of a practitioner-scholar will influence you to become a wise consumer of research and theory.
  • Summarize your vision of a career in psychology and your main SMART goals. How did the practitioner-scholar model help clarify and strengthen your vision of your future in the field, and your professional goals?
  • Explain how this model might apply to your studies as a graduate learner in psychology at Capella.

If you had any trouble understanding the scholar-practitioner model or its application in the field of psychology, use this discussion to receive support from your peers and instructor to work through your challenges.

Be sure to integrate both the McClintock article and the Capella practitioner-scholar guide into your discussion post. Use the following APA reference:

  • Capella University. (2003). Capella University’s scholar-practitioner educational philosophy[White paper].
  • McClintock, C. (2004). Scholar practitioner model. In A. DiStefano, K. E. Rudestam, & R. J. Silverman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of distributed learning (pp. 394–397). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Response Guidelines

Read the posts of your peers and respond to at least two. Try to choose the posts that have had the fewest responses thus far.

  • What can you add to clarify your peers’ understanding?
  • What strategies can you suggest to help them connect this model to their vision and goals for their future careers?
  • Do their goals meet the criteria of being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)?
  • Can you think of any way they could be improved to better meet these criteria?