evolution concept

There are quiz questions through the lecture that are worth 1/2 point each.

Want the PowerPoint slides in the video?


  1. Explain how Darwin’s voyage on the Beagle influenced his thinking. (Ch. 13)
  2. Explain why the concept of evolution is regarded as a theory with great significance. (Ch. 13)
  3. Explain how fossils form and why the fossil record is incomplete. (Ch. 13)
  4. Explain how homologies, the fossil record, and molecular biology support evolution. (Ch. 13)
  5. Describe Darwin’s observations and inferences in developing the concept of natural selection. (Ch. 13)
  6. Explain how the work of Thomas Malthus and the process of artificial selection influenced Darwin’s development of the idea of natural selection. (Ch. 13)
  7. Explain why individuals cannot evolve and why evolution does not lead to perfectly adapted organisms. (Ch. 13)
  8. Describe two examples of natural selection known to occur in nature (Ch. 13)
  9. Explain how mutation and sexual reproduction produce genetic variation. (Ch. 13)
  10. Explain why prokaryotes can evolve more quickly than eukaryotes. (Ch. 13)
  11. Define genetic drift and gene flow. Explain how the bottleneck effect and the founder effect influence microevolution. (Ch. 13)
  12. Explain why natural selection cannot produce perfection. (Ch. 13)
  13. Distinguish between microevolution and speciation. (Ch. 14)
  14. Compare the definitions, advantages, and disadvantages of the different species concepts. (Ch. 14)
  15. Describe five types of prezygotic barriers and three types of postzygotic barriers that prevent populations of closely related species from interbreeding. (Ch. 14)
  16. Explain how reproductive barriers might evolve in isolated populations of organisms. (Ch. 14)
  17. Compare the gradual model and the punctuated equilibrium model of evolution. (Ch. 14)
  18. Distinguish between homologous and analogous structures and provide examples of each. Describe the process of convergent evolution. (Ch. 15)

Want the full PowerPoints for Ch. 13-15?



Create a new concept map that shows how the “big ideas” at the beginning of every chapter connect with each other.  You’ll probably want to use more words to explain the connections than in previous assignments. 

Each chapter should connect to 3 other chapters in some way.


If the entire concept map is complete and correct (12 chapters, all big ideas included, and at least 3 connections to other chapters per chapter

heart rate project 7

Why this matters to this class: This week, you will writing the lab report for the experiment.

Why this matters in the future: Being able to communicate clearly and professionally is a vital career skill for everycareer (and will help in your other courses). There are very few (if any) jobs where you don’t have to communicate with other humans at some point!


You will be creating the final lab report.

Instructions file:

Heart Rate Project Week 7.docx





In today’s ever-more connected world, information is easy to find, but knowing if that information is accurate can be difficult. This is particularly true for complex and politically-charged topics, like biotechnology and genetically-modified organisms used in agriculture. While your classes can help inform you about the scientific basis for genetic modification and its risks, you will not always have access to your professors and will need to build your skills in sorting the quality of informational resources. Therefore, this assignment will ask you to evaluate the quality of two websites of your choice regarding GMOs. The goal is not necessarily to identify a website with “bad” information, but to be able to identify what each website is seeking to do and what information can be gained.


What you need to do

  1. Familiarize yourself with the CRAAP test method of evaluating source quality on the Holman Library website: https://libguides.greenriver.edu/evaluatingsources/criterionLinks to an external site..
  2. Download the Word document linked at the bottom of the library website and copy the table so that your Word document now has 2 copies of the table in it.
  3. Find a university or governmental agency website (ends with .gov or .edu) about GMOs. Paste the link above one of the tables, then fill out the table for that website.
  4. Use a search engine to find a non-university or governmental agency website (no .gov or .edu endings) about GMOs. This can be a website you believe is reliable or unreliable. Paste the link above the other table, then fill out the table for that website.
  5. Write a summary about the quality and usefulness of the two websites you used. Your summary should be written in complete sentences and be grammatically correct, and should be no longer than ½ page, single-spaced, 12 pt font.
  6. Turn in the 2 tables with links and summary as a PDF file.

Why you need to do this

Being able to identify high-quality sources of information online is a vital skill, both for academic research and for navigating today’s online world. To identify high-quality information, you need to be able to recognize more than just inaccurate information, but also how the presentation and choice of specific information can be used for manipulation. Furthermore, every website can provide valuable information and insight, even if it is seeking to spread misinformation or change public opinion. These skills, coupled with your skills in identifying and reading scientific literature, will help you make healthy choices and be an informed citizen.

early, globally, total, America, high, foreigh, battleship, gross, north, worldwide, twilight, million, overseas, third, record, domestic, titanic, debuted, opened, turned,…

early, globally, total, America, high, foreigh, battleship, gross, north, worldwide, twilight, million, overseas, third, record, domestic, titanic, debuted, opened, turned, markets, two, good, summer, softer, hunger, whether, debut, profile, powerhouse, surprise, rerelease, franchise, stellar, similar, avatar, spent, century, weekends, woods, slapstick, office, produce, modest, box, run, cabin, games, stooges, performances, launch, rolling, including, putting, opening, braking, consecutive, massive, comedy, early. Make a poem with this words, you may use extra words


see attached. total 600 words

ppt presentation

create a presentation from the point of view of two specific professionals who are experts on the topic you selected in Week One for your Final Project. (my topic is “child psychology”)

    • Consider the psychological career alternatives available and determine from which fields of expertise your two points of view will come.
    • Select the two professionals you will use with expertise on the topic you selected.  Your professionals’ identity may be based on a real person that you know, or they may be made-up based on the job description of a professional in the field.  The titles of your professionals should represent actual jobs (based on job descriptions) from categories in two different areas of mental health (e.g., psychiatry and psychology, social work and counseling).     
    • In one or two sentences, briefly introduce your experts by describing their current careers as well as their backgrounds. The experts will be providing scholarly information on your selected topic based on the point-of-view of their respective professions.
      Provide evaluations from the experts in the course of the presentation, regarding contributions of psychological research on the chosen topic in an applied context.


  • Include information from at least two peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last five years to substantiate your experts’ claims.

To begin, create a presentation using the Sample Presentation Template, of at least five slides (not including the title and reference slides).  Provide the following elements in your presentation:

  • A side-by-side comparison of your experts including their current careers as well as their backgrounds
  • A brief general explanation of the topic chosen in Week One
  • Provide a slide for each of the experts’ points of view including appropriate citations of your referenced resources
  • A brief overview and comparison of the two experts’ points of view
  • A separate reference slide must be included at the end of the presentation
  • A minimum of three scholarly sources published within the last five years must be included in the discussion. References are cited according to APA guidelines.
  • A link to a website from an organization associated with each expert’s profession.  Include information from that website where the corresponding expert is presenting her or his point of view. Include the websites in the reference slide using the full APA citation format for websites. Do not just copy and paste the URL to the website.
  • Use the sample template provided to organize your presentation. You may change the font sizes in the presentation. However, do not use a font smaller than 20 pt. You are encouraged to insert relevant figures and graphics. Make sure to appropriately cite any images you use that you did not create yourself. If you include a table or figure from a journal article, cite it according to APA guidelines.